Habitat types are in essence a sub-system of ecosystems where one can find natural eco-topes bearing specific and discrete characteristics for plant communities and species. The habitat types are mapped in areas characterized as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), according to the European legislation framework.
The constant degradation of the natural habitat types, including the dangers that threat specific flora species are a primary concern for the European Union (EU), defining a common framework for their protection and conservation. In addition, some of them are defined as “priority habitats”, owing to extinction threats or constant deterioration conditions.
Given that the main measure of deterioration of a habitat type that is a valuable helper for the quantitative assessment of the magnitude of the impact of a project or activity in a Natura2000 area, concerns the occupation of the area, we at GREEN2SUSTAIN, have the ability and experience to assess the conservation status, which is the threshold limit for changing from “satisfactory” to “unsatisfactory” at the Member State level.