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Environmental policy services for food industry

The purpose of the services was the provision of supporting services for the relevant industrial activities environmental permitting. Within this study we monitored the capacity of the industry’s individual units, as well as the overall industrial activities and operations, aiming to classify the industry under the current legislation.

Environment: Our responsibilities were to provide the licensing authority with all the necessary information for the actions to be done, due to the modifications of the enterprise facilities and overall activities. The study has been prepared in accordance with the environmental permitting legislation for industries and included all the Standard Environmental Obligations. Furthermore, we evaluated the overall industrys’ environmental management obligations according to the European and national legal framework, which come from the capacity of the individual sectors and the activities taking place. Finally, we exploited all the available information in order to assess the overall environmental footprint of the industry.

Subject project: Environmental permitting | Partner: Industry enterprise | Investment Category: Food Industry

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