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24 February 2015

Our new company


This is our very first post on our website blog. Our intention is to share a few words about our company Green2Sustain and our three pylons: environment, sustainability and competitiveness.

Competitiveness: EU and other grants and sources of funding are highly competitive. Our experience in the value chain, from idea development to proposal and project management, assist our clients in getting successful results.

Green2Sustain partners provide tools, solutions and best practices for cultivating innovative ideas, matching them with EU and other funding mechanisms objectives and help you write winning proposals, working either as your partner or as your consultants.

Sustainability: Green2Sustain partners can help you improve, change and technically progress to facilitate environmentally, socially and economically sustainable business conduct, through services that propel the sustainable management of water resources, waste, energy, natural environment and raw materials.

Green2Sustain partners are experts in assessing the economic impacts of any environmental change, reflecting the footprint of activities and investments from a socio-economic point of view, leading towards sustainable management of environment, society and economy as a whole.

Environment: Green2Sustain partners have more than 15 consequent years of professional experience in environmental management, environmental monitoring, environmental data analysis, ecosystems status assessment and in environmental impacts of activities of great local, regional or national importance.

Our partners are experienced in managing all individual environmental sectors (water, soil, air, manmade environment, waste, flora/fauna etc.), and we devote the necessary and appropriate human resources to any environmental problem, providing reliable and innovative solutions.

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